A wonderfully simple table setting for summer

Start the summer with a beautiful table setting! Get out all your linen and cover your table with natural materials and neutral colours. Let flowers and food bring colour to the table!

Our summer table

This minimalist style lets the beauty of ceramics shine through. The neutral colours of the fabrics provide a cohesive backdrop for the plates, allowing their subtle patterns to stand out.

The glasses complement the ceramics perfectly, and their clean and simple design adds a touch of elegance to the table setting.

The classic steel cutlery tie everything together and add a timeless element to the overall aesthetic.

Overall, this table setting is the perfect balance between simplicity and elegance, bringing the beauty of ceramics to centre stage. It creates a calm and inviting atmosphere for a meal, making it a truly enjoyable dining experience.

What we used

We decided to use plates and bowls from our twist series in the shade stone for this table setting, as they are perfect for a summer table in both shape and colour. We also used our Cedrat glasses, which are beautifully shaped and perfect for any table! The cutlery is all part of our Steelery range, with a classic design that is perfect for both everyday and special occasions.

Happy summer!


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