Brita cake

A brita cake is a wonderful summer classic. Creamy, sweet and crispy, it’s a recipe you should definitely save and make the next time you have a party coming up! This cake is big enough to feed all your friends and family!


125 g butter
1 dl sugar
2 egg yolks
1,5 dl flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 dl milk

2 egg whites
1,5 dl sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 dl almond flakes

2 dl whipping cream
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

340g lemon curd

Preheat the oven to 180 °C. 

Mix room temperature butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the egg yolks one at a time, stirring all the time. In small batches, add the dry ingredients and milk in turns. 

Pour the batter onto the baking tray. Bake for 10 minutes.

Beat the egg whites until stiff. Add the sugar in small batches. Whisk until the mixture sticks to the bowl even if you turn it upside down. Spoon the meringue mixture over the cake base. Sprinkle almond flakes on top and bake in the oven for 15 minutes until the cake is golden. Allow to cool.

Prepare the filling just before serving. Cut the strawberries and whip the cream. Cut the cake in half. Add the whipped cream and lemon curd and lift the other half on top. Add the rest of the whipped cream and lemon curd and garnish with a generous amount of strawberries.

Tip: Decorate the cake with beautiful colourful edible flowers to make it extra summery.

Happy baking!


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